This service includes overseeing annual audiograms, revising baseline audiograms, and periodic Management Reports identifying recordable/reportable threshold shifts for both OSHA and MSHA, etc.

Health-Metrics’ Management Report is provided in a timely fashion for all audiometric data obtained either mobily or through a client’s in-house program. Every employee will receive a report and each report includes:
- Statistical Analysis – quantifies the number of baseline and annual tests, medical referrals, STS employees, and recordable/reportable STS employees.
- Test Schedule List – an alpha list of employees tested within a session or specific time-period.
- Medical Referral – a list of those employees who were recommended for additional medical evaluation (by their own physician) based on hearing test data or historical comments.
- STS Summary – a list of those employees who exhibit an age-corrected STS.
- Recordable Summary – a list of those employees who are potentially recordable on the OSHA Log 300 or comparable MSHA forms.
- If the tests were generated on one of our mobile units documentation is provided for the annual exhaustive and daily calibration of the audiometers as well as booth sound levels during testing.
- Additional, specialized individual employee and summary reports as appropriate.

A qualified audiologist is available for consultation whenever questions arise regarding test results or any other aspect of the hearing conservation program.
Small or large group training sessions meeting OSHA and MSHA requirements are available, often to each group being tested in one of our mobile units immediately prior to the actual testing.
We can assist in obtaining comprehensive noise surveys at your facility to document employee noise exposures.